Friday, July 31, 2009

The Honing Diaries Continued...Again!

And here I go again, getting back to the stones.

I'm almost full up on shave ready razors, but I went back to the stones with two questionable ones last night. My skills on the stones are still not quite up to snuff, but practice makes perfect, doncha know!

First up is this Japanese made "1893 World's Fair" razor. I did a bit of restoration work on this one, and the edge, which was exceptional at first, got a bit mucked up in the process. So it's just been hanging around looking cute until I got around to sharpening it up. Which was last night.

I took this down to the 2K to smooth out the damage to the edge and then went to an aggressive pyramid on the 4K/8K. It was feeling pretty sticky, so I tried to finish it out with 10 laps on my "Itsapeech" barber hone, then 20 laps (10 circle and 10 X) on my Japanese natural hone. After 10 laps on the ol' Chromium Oxide pasted strop I felt this one was ready.

Next up was my Genco. As you know, the once fantastic edge on this lovely shaver has deteriorated a bit and my last few shaves with it weren't quite as sily smooth as they should have been. Even after my last bout with the hones it didn't really satisfy completely. The last time I spent a lot of time on the Coti, so I thought this time I'd try something different. I went back to the conservative pyramid, and added an extra 10 laps on the 8K to bring up the keenness a notch. Then, I moved to the Itsapeech for 25 laps, and I had a marked increase in "stickiness" on the TPT, as well as good hair popping. I did the same Nakayama routine as I gave the first razor, and finished on CrOx and leather.

This morning, I stropped on leather and tested them out...and was sorely disappointed. They pulled, the Genco was still not sharp enough, and neither was really what I'd call acceptable. I'll have to rethink my routine on these...any advice?

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