Saturday, August 1, 2009

My Shaves In Revision!!! (Sorry, sorry...sorry).

Well, my newest acquisition is in! My shiny new Revisor's so PRETTY!

When I got home on Friday, a nice big box was waiting for me...all the way from the Fatherland! Yay! (NB: The Revisor service is outstanding. My payment was delayed for some reason by PayPal, so it didn't get processed until AFTER the folks at Revisor went on vacation--and someone actually came in on Vacation to send me my razor, which arrived in four days. Thanks guys!).

Of course I ripped it open asap, and gave it a once over. I am very, very pleased! The balance (as in the aesthetic balance, not the actual physical balance) is really good. The blade is well proportioned, and shows a good attention to the details. The gold wash is even (for now) and well applied. The etching is very nice, too...even if the gold wash and blue enamel come off it should still look awesome. (if you notice a little dark spot along the edge of the spine on the gold wash, it's not damage--it was green paste stuck to the spine, and it came right off.)

In the hand, the razor fits very well. I'm not sure how to explain it, but the grip just seemed to fall into my hand right away, and it was very comfortable to hold. I hadn't even realized that MATTERS until I held this one. The pins fit really tightly, and for some reason the third pin makes me very very happy.

It isn't perfect, though...the scales are a bit uneven at the butt, so the spacer is clearly visible when you look at the face of the razor straight on. Also, there are some minor grind marks on the tang which don't please me immensely. However, it is a hand made razor, and it is a very very NICE razor, and I'm happy with it.

I shaved with it this morning, and it was good. Not great, but good. The edge is clearly shave ready, just not FANTASTIC shave ready. Hoglahoo/Lee from SRP and TSD, for example, put a better edge on my Wapi. It's not bad, but...I'll try to get along!

Also in the box was a loom strop--a very complicated little item that is apparently the standard strop in Germany. It's small...VERY small, but well made and the leather has great draw. The back is pasted with green paste--Chromium Oxide, I reckon. It should make a great travel strop!


  1. Hi,
    Very nice looking razor. I was wondering if you have a URL for the company you purchased this razor from?

  2. Wow, that is a beauty. Enjoy it in every way.

    Steve from New Jersey

  3. Wow, that is a beauty. Enjoy it in every way.

    Steve from New JerseyAlexander0911

  4. Hi Kent, Thanks for reading! I'm sorry for not posting a link...that was dumb of me.
    The website is:

    There is now a link in the post, as well.

    Steve, thanks very much. I am enjoying it--it's such a pleasure to hold and use!


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