Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I Been Making Again...

I've been thinking about ways to carry my razors around. Why? Because you never know when a shaving emergency might happen.

So I saw this awesome razor roll on Straight Razor Place that lets you carry 7 razors around rolled up in canvas. I decided I needed one. You know, for emergencies.

But then, when I was talking to my wife about it, she said why don't you make one? And then I said, why don't WE make one!

So we did.

We started with a cheap notebook case from Daiso. We cut it open and made a padded holder using foam rubber and elastic bands.

We wrapped it in felt to keep the razors all nice and safe and made everything velcro-attached so that it's totally removable in case of damage.

It was fun and cheap to make, and it's all nice and protective and...there you go! I made a razor case!


  1. Very nice work!

    Steve from New Jersey

  2. Thanks Steve. It was fun, and it's actually pretty nice.

  3. I can see you carrying this emergency kit around with you always. A guy has a late night and doesn't have time to shave before work. No problem Super Shave is there, bounding out of a phone booth and taking care of the emergency. Disaster diverted. :) Don't forget the cream, brush and towel. :)

  4. Oh, I forgot. Nice job on the wrap as well!

  5. Kent, you've uncovered my secret stubble-fighting identity! Now I have to shave you with a Fusion!!!!!

    (Thanks, by the way ;) )


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