Thursday, July 2, 2009

Some Lessons Learned...

Oh man, did I learn something this morning.

Nothing teaches like your own stupidity...

First lesson: oil your blades when not in regular use.

I got out my Genco this morning; it's been a few weeks since I used it last. It's been in "dry" storage, or so I thought, so I didn't bother to oil it until recently, when the humidity reached what I thought were dangerous levels. When I got it out, I cleaned the oil carefully, and gave it a few very light passes on my Nakayama as a kind of "touchup", then stropped and went in to shave.

I started with the Torrey, to affirm what I had learned yesterday about its edge--half a pass, and indeed I was getting a fine shave. Then I went back to the Genco. My anticipation was, alas, disappointed. The edge was as dull as a drive down a Kansas highway (I grew up in Kansas, I can say that). It wouldn't cut at all...luckily I could finish up with the Torrey, and I got a fine shave.

Later examination of the edge on that Genco showed it had been eaten up, I can only assume by rust, as it had been fine when I put it away, and the few passes on the Nakayama could not have chewed it up that much.

So, oil your razors when you put them away.

Oh, and the second lesson?

Never, EVER let Florena get in your nose.

Just, don't. DON'T.


  1. Hi Jim, now get on your horse and do a full sharpen on that Genco.
    Everyone I know who uses blades from upstate New York loves them.
    Once you fix her up I'll bet it will shave you just like butter.
    Now get to work.

    Steve from New Jersey (Luxlover)

  2. Way ahead of you Steve! I rehoned it last night and it gave me a fantastic shave this morning...Just lovely.


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