Wednesday, July 1, 2009

These Hairs Are Shaaaaved!(Honing Diaries Contiued)

There's nothing like a bit of American Steel to make it feel like July!

I've been running into a wall with this little black handled Torrey for a while now. I've tried a couple of different variations on the aggressive and conservative pyramids, inserting a 2K/4K pyramid, doing the "get sharp dammit" dance, and more...esoteric...tactics to get this thing shaving.

I finally did it, I think. And just in time for Independence Day!

Last night I got "serious" with the honing. I took the Torrey back to the 1K and made sure of the edge at EVERY POINT. Toe to heel, popping hair like crazy. I went to the 2K and smoothed the edge with 20 x-strokes. I investigated the edge with the TPT (still not the best at it, but getting better) and checking the scratch pattern on the bevel under magnification. When it seemed to be mostly 2K scratches, I went to the 4K/8K. I put it through an aggressive pyramid to eliminate all the scratches from previous stones. In fact, I added a couple of 5/5 rounds to make sure it was good and smooth. The scratch pattern from the 8K was nice and even, and I went on to the finish. Here I tried something a little different from previous attempts...

I decided to use natural finishers all the way. I gave the razor about 75 strokes on my coticule, checking with the TPT to see how the edge was progressing. Again, inconclusive...but I'll keep at it. Then, having seen that the coti was smoothing out the scratches from the 8K, I went on to my Nakayama. I gave it a good 40 laps, using x strokes and back/forth, taking care to get ever millimeter of blade--the smile is slight, but enough to add some trouble...

After the edge seemed to be nice and smooth on the TPT and under magnification, I gave it 10 strokes on my pasted paddle strop, oiled it and let it sit. This morning, I stropped 35 strokes on cordovan, then shaved. And it was great!

It wasn't an ideal shave...a little harsh, and not the closest, but that is as much a matter of my skill and my being accustomed to the Monster Friodur (this Torrey is downright DAINTY compared to that thing). I went into the shave intending to just give it a half-pass to see how it goes, but it was so pleasant I went whole hog on the Torrey. I have to say, the shave was better than the last few ones I've got off the Henckels...

I think that there are two keys to my success this time around. 1.) I was being DAMNED careful to catch the full blade with rolling X-Strokes. I'm always careful, but I'm just getting better at it and 2.) I gave it a lot of time on the naturals. I usually use a 12K Shapton Pro as my main finisher, but that hone is now in the possession of a friend, and the naturals seem to have taken over the job admirably.

I am definitely pleased with this one. I'll give it another test tomorrow, then it's on to the Genco for the continuation of my Tsuyu adventures...Good times!


  1. Hi Jim, boy that straight really needs alot of work.
    anyway to celebrate the "Fourth" drop me an e-mail with your address, I would like to send you some genuine "Salt Water Taffy" from the boardwalk at the Jersey shore.(Atlantic City). You will feel just like you are there at the beach for the holiday weekend.
    You will probably even smell the ocean.
    We have to keep you grounded.

    Steve from New Jersey (Luxlover)

  2. Hey Steve, that's a truly generous offer. I just might take you up on it. It's odd, I was just thinking about salt-water taffy this week--and I haven't had any since I was a kid!Strange coincidence that. ;)

    And of course, I live about 100 yards from the it's a good chance I'll smell the ocean indeed!

    Thanks again, and as always I appreciate your reading.


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