Saturday, August 22, 2009


This freaking Rongin has broken me.

I've spent a good 4 hours trying to get this razor sharp. It has taken me over 200 passes on a 1k diamond plate and a 1k King stone and I haven't even set the bevel!!!! I think I've taken a good 1/8 inch off the edge, and all I've done is gotten half a good bevel set. The back half, toward the heel, is sharp and pops hairs easily, the front half is butterknife blunt. Ridiculous.

Thank god I didn't actually care about this one...but man is this discouraging. Of course, the fact that it had a ridiculous frown when I got it should have been an indication of problems, but silly me I thought I could fix it.

Obviously, I was WRONG!!!!!

**UPDATE** Well, with a little help and encouragement from the good folks at Straight Razor Place (Thanks Lee!) I finally got a decent bevel set on this one. I was being stupid (of course) and not paying enough attention to BOTH sides of the blade. Don't do that.

So, I still need to move (carefully!!!) up the progression, but the heavy lifting is done I think. From the keenness of the bevel, I have a feeling that if I am careful this could be the sharpest edge I've achieved yet. It's just wiping away the hairs on my arm coming off the 1K. I like that. And won't that be fun? The razor that almost killed me becoming my best edge? Very dramatic...


  1. OOOOOhhh... Respect those feather blades. I found the Super Pro's a touch more foregiving, but not by much.

    Use almost negative pressure, and leave that blade almost flush to your face, and it's still almost like dancing with the shave devil... LOL

  2. Aleks, mate, yeah. See my latest post. It was harsh, and giving the time and effort to mastering it seems almost like self abuse.


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