Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I was warned...

I was. I KNEW what to expect from the Feathers. But I still got bit.

Let me just say, I know what sharp is. I've had straight razors professionally honed, and I've shaved with DE blades thin as paper. But I've not shaved with anything, ANYTHING, that is as terrifyingly sharp as these Feather Pro Super blades.

I got the smoothest shave I have ever had, I will admit. That first pass gave a new meaning to "wiping off the whiskers". My face just came clean--and then the blood started oozing. I had NO IDEA how much I nicked myself that first pass. I mean, I didn't feel a thing--apparently, the blade is so sharp it just slides through anything it touches without even exciting the nerve endings.

I couldn't finish my second pass--it was just too scary. Luckily, I got smooth enough to have a full 20 hours with no stubble. So last night I thought, "You know what? That first shave probably dulled it enough to make a pretty good shave tonight." And I was right--the first pass last night was perfect. The second pass, however, was crap. The blade had passed from terrifyingly sharp, through perfect, and right down into uncomfortably dull. And dull for a feather apparently means jagged, because it turned my neck beet red and--you guessed it--the blood did flow.

So I learned my lesson. The Feathers go. If anyone wants one, they're $30 apiece, and if you need blades we can work something out. They're sold, thanks guys.

IN better news, a friend sent me a sample of The Gentleman's Quarter Provence Lavender soap, and I am QUITE pleased with it! A full review will come after it gets a fair shake (no feathers...) but prospects look good!

Well, I'm off to reapply the neosporin...

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