Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy 2010!

And the vacation ends...not with a bang, but a ridiculously long trip!

well, we made it back from the US with our lives, our luggage, and our sanity (mostly) intact. I got some goodies, too, and had some nice times with my brother introducing him to the madness of straight shaving...

He did take me to a nice little shop where I picked up this beauty:

That's a Wade and Butcher "The Celebrated Hollow Ground For Barber's Use"...huge, 9/8 blade, hollow ground with a barber's notch. Horn scales, bullseye pins and a lovely patina. not bad for a razor that is AT LEAST 130 years old (1880 was the last year the company produced razors).

Then there's this faux frameback from Sheffield, a nice bit of history with a groovy shape.

I also picked up a coticule from Bart at It's apparently from a stone he picked up, rather than from something at the min,e but it is a nice hard, green stone and I look forward to giving it a try.

I also got some new soaps, creams and stuff, and I'm having ALL KINDS of fun trying them out.

Unfortunately, though, my mom's house has super hard water so I couldn't make a decent lather to save my life...making the shaves with all my new toys much less than pleasant. It makes me glad the water at home is so nice...I got a FANTASTIC shave today with some Vintage Old Spice soap (Thanks Greg!), and a coticule honed Eskiltuna...feels good to be home, indeed.

So how was your holiday?


  1. Welcome back!

    Have you tried the Irisch Moos yet?

  2. Thanks Lanolite!

    I've tried it before, this was just an opportunity to stock up. It really is exciting...


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