Friday, January 8, 2010

So much to do, so little Motivation...

Man, I'm over my head with shaving stuff...

Honing to do, restoration to do, reviews to write, hones to hunt down...and all I want to do is play Final Fantasy 13 (Just a note: FF13 on the PS3 on a 42in HD LCD screen is PURE FREAKING MAGIC. Eye candy like you wouldn't believe)...

What's a wetshaver to do?

Well...shave, I guess. I got a fantastic one last night from my Iwasaki folder and T&H 1805 cream. You know, it's getting almost too easy. The formula is simple: Iwasaki+Quality lather=perfect shave. It's almost boring...but hey, what am I complaining about? I could be saddled with an electric!

There is new stuff, I guess. My German colleague brought me a ton of Irisch Moos sticks, made of WIN that stuff is...and the vintage Old Spice form my good buddy Greg is AWESOME. Truly great sad it's so hard to get these days. And then there is the new Coti I got from Belgium but still haven't had time to use...

Oh, and my good buddy in Hawaii (you know who you are) sent me Kousuke Iwasaki's "How to Hone Razors and Kamisori", a book I had only hear about and have been searching for--and he didn't even know I wanted it. How cool is that? Thanks again, man...and I hope I get it translated soon. Though at 25+ pages, don't be looking for it any time soon...

Oh, and there's the local manmade hone I got. Need to try it out and see what's what with that...

Hmmm. What should I do first, guys? Hey--my first poll! Let me know in the comments: What should I do with my long weekend (choose 2)!

1. Start translating Iwasaki's honing book
2. Keep translating the "History and Culture of Shaving in Japan"
2. Test and review the home-made manmade hone
3. Get my W&B For Barber's Use restored and honed
4. Write reviews of my new soaps/creams (Nancy Boy, Old Spice,
5. Call up my carpenter friend and have him take me to the hone mine
6. Try out my new Coticule
7. Something else I haven't thought of yet...

Wow. That is a lot...Any idea where to start?


  1. 1 & 7 mate and here's why:

    At least you get it out of the way. It's 25-page book and you'll eventually have to do it so why not soon?

    Secondly I'd try and do something I haven't thought of yet. Maybe ofter to shave a buddy with my Tamahagane razor or something.

  2. I vote for honing Michael's razor.

  3. Sorry mate I don't think that was part of the option...:P

  4. Michael--How do you think I'd be testing those hones? ;)

    Seriously, though, it's almost done. The edge was in worse shape than I thought, but it's getting fine tuned. I'll email today.

    Ivan, Hmmmm...who could I shave? Maybe the wife would let me at her with it....mua ha ha haaaa!


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