Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mystery Hone

One more rock showed up. Not sure what it is, at ALL.

I literally found this under a shelf, between two big boxes covered with dust. It was wrapped in plastic and the tape had completely disintegrated into that yellow crusty stuff. So it's been there a while.

As you can see, the kanji are unreadable, but I THINK (I'm pretty sure) that the middle two kanji are "Shi age" (finishing), meaning the third is probably "To", as in Toishi. The first? NOT A CLUE. Any ideas?

Anyway, I have some hopes about this is ugly, but a good size and shape, and it was dirt cheap. Even if it's not a superb finisher, if it is at all useful, it'll be worth it.

So there are my new toys!

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