Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's not just about ROCKS, you know!

This used to be, long long ago in the heady days of 2008, a WETSHAVING blog!

when I started this thing, so many moons ago, it was about wetshaving. Wetshaving, of course, is the old traditional way of shaving--one brush, one cream, one blade. Somewhere along the way I got shifted from DE razors to Straight razors, and thus on to all the accessories--strops, stones, and more. But the real crux of the matter, the truly VITAL thing to getting a good, enjoyable shave (which is STILL my goal) is the lather.

I've been neglecting lather lately, and I shouldn't.

Last night (I shave at night...) I got out an old friend--The Body Shop Maca Root shave cream. I soaked my custom boar brush (L'Ultima Setola) and squirted a dollop into the bristles. Lathering up on my face, I reflected on well over a year of wetshaves (I haven't shaved any other way since September of 2008...) and just enjoyed myself. I didn't worry about the blade's edge, mostly because I have put a darn fine one on my Tamahagane straight, or angle or anything. I just enjoyed the simple pleasure of brush and cream on my face. I went a little longer than I usually do, working the lather in...I got a wee bit distracted, perhaps, in reflection.

But eventually out came the blade, and I shaved...and it was spectacular. Silky smooth, butter soft and oh so comfortable. So maybe I should overdo it on the lather every shave!


In other news, there have been a couple of relapses on the razor front. I've been holding off on razor purchases lately, saving myself for the rocks, but...well, sometimes things happen.

Like Revisor.

This is an 8/8 in blonde horn...and the horn is just gorgeous. Thomas Kronenburg at Revisor showed me the designs for it last year, but I never got around to buying one until now. I wish I hadn't waited so really is a stunning piece. Those Solingen razors,

Then there is this Japanese beauty I saw on Yahoo Auctions

There is some rust/blackening on the spine, but other than that the razor is untouched. I don't know how old it is but from the design I'd say mid-20th century. The blade, though, is just gorgeous...shoulderless full hollow with a big belly (that's the diamond shape you can see in the end-on shot, where the blade thickens out again near the edge).

Beauties...I can't wait to get them on my face!


  1. Hey Big J !!!

    Always a pleasure to read your blog regardless of the subject.

    Man, those stones sure seem interesting to research. The personal connections you've made with the Kamisori, Strop, and stone people is a real heart warming story.

    I haven't been able to really DE shave too much lately, but I still pack an Omega bore brush and a travel size tube of La Toja cream when I'm out in the Oil field.

    Working 230 hrs in the last 3 weeks has taken it's toll on this 33 year old's body, but finishing the day with a nice brush and cream makes it all gravy... LOL

    A big HELLO !!! from the Canadian North

  2. Hey Aleks, a big Hello from Japan, too! Long time there buddy! I hope the frozen northlands are treating you ok.

    La Toja and Omega are good friends to have...but 230 hours in 3 weeks? Damn, man, take some time off!

  3. HaHaHaHa....

    I'm on my 7 day break right now, back to work tomorrow.

    Gotta get more hours in before we shut down for spring, the ground gets too soft to move our heavy equipment. At $30/hr the hard way, I can afford to spoil my myself with shave goodies this spring.

    I'll go back to driving truck this spring/summer.

    Till next time Big J ...


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