Friday, March 5, 2010

Don't Mention The War

I couldn't tell you why, but for some reason I really get a kick out of "National Shaves"...

So yesterday a got a nice little package of Tabac Shave Soap in the matching bowl (a great deal at shipping worldwide just can't be beat, man...) and I thought "Hey! New soap from Germany, new razor from Germany! I've even got me a German brush! So put them all together, and I got a fantastic shave...

The Tabac is...Tabac. An exceptional soap, with superb lather and (in my opinion) a great scent. I've had the stick for a while but I figured I'd try the puck out, and it did not at all disappoint. Easy, slick, protective...everything a man could want in a shave soap.

The Revisor shaves like a madman. A great edge on a gorgeous big blade. It shaves smooth and good as it looks. I really do like those gents in Solingen and their work...

Even my aftershave, the Nivea, is German (Nivea being headquartered in Germany)...and there you go. A shave from the Fatherland! It tickles me so much to have the whole deal. I wish I could get some good Japanese creams or soaps, to match the fantastic steel and strop...

AND, of course, the rocks. The beautiful, beautiful rocks...

1 comment:

  1. "I wish I could get some good Japanese creams or soaps, to match the fantastic steel and strop"

    I can't tell you the number of times I've had that thought.

    Wasn't there supposed to be some sort of tea-based soap sold by Kamisori Club? Did you ever try it out?


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