Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Present Day

Oh, the postman was good to me...

So the book showed up...a publication of the "Kyoto Natural Hone Association" called The Charm of Kyoto's Natural Hones.

It's beautiful--history, maps, pictures, microscopic examinations of hone particles...Love it!

I would love to be able to say "I'll translate it for you!" but 1.) It is still in print, and under copyright, and I would not feel good pirating it...some of these guys I'd like to meet someday. and 2.) it's 89 pages, and that would NOT be an easy task.

But I'll share what I know...

Also, I got me a big old box of rock...

Most of these are going to end up as slurry stones, but those little Karasu stones are mine...


To top the evening off, I had such a great shave. Van Der Hagen soap, my Kim Son brush and the good old Tamahagane straight. Such bliss...and smooth as butter!

Even with a cold, life is good.


  1. Where is possible to buy this interesting book?

  2. Hi Marco,

    Thanks for commenting!

    Well, you can order it by email from
    "Sakai Ichimonji" in Osaka:

    The site is in Japanese, but they do ship internationally and the emails I received were in Japanese and (excellent) English. The book is 2,500 JPY and, of course, shipping is extra.

    Please remember, though, that this book is not only in Japanese, but it includes a lot of very specific technical language and is NOT easy to read, not even for native speakers (like my wife...). There are very interesting pictures, of course, but the majority is text.

    Good luck!


  3. Good stuff Jim :)

    I like the look of that stone in the top left of the first picture. I can't tell whether the speckles on it are from a stamp or from deposits in the stone though, just looks neat.

    Not worried about the book as I'm positive any useful information you manage to attain from it will be shared ^_^ Maybe you can even learn something new and impress that barber of yours.

    Sorry to hear about the cold hope you feel better. I hear a cold stone applied to the forehead is great for a feaver ;)

  4. Whoosh, thanks mate.

    There are no stamps on these hones, that's all natural...that one you mentioned is "karasu". It's one of the more valuable types of stone for the figuring, but it's nothing more special hone-wise, as far as I know. That one is, however, going on my shelf. It's just too pretty to use...

    And of course I will share what I learn! knowledge wants to travel!


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