Monday, March 22, 2010

Tragedy Strikes!

I have written about my skin troubles before, and I shall do so yet again. For this time, this time it might have broken my heart.
The other day, I was preparing for my regular nightly shave and, feeling in the mood for a wee bit of luxury, decided I'd bring out the big guns: Caste Forbes Lime shaving cream. This cream is THE benchmark--it practically defines what a "gourmet shave" should be. An amazing scent of fresh limes, thick luxurious lather, and wonderful shaving. It's just fantastic, but you do have to pay to play...It ain't cheap, folks.

But this tub wasn't so expensive, and I have been using it sparingly to make it last, and so I don't really worry about it. So I got it out, and taking my pre-soaked Semogue Limited Edition boar (more on this beauty later) I proceeded to lather up.

My face felt a wee bit "warm", usually not a good sign, but I figured it was just that I hadn't shaved in a couple of days, and I was using a new boar brush which can add to skin issues. But soon the lather was nice and smooth, and I was ready to shave. But first, I noticed a couple of spots where the lather had splashed onto my chest and shoulder. I wiped them off...and saw two bright red, swollen blotches.


I washed my face off, and sure enough--red as a fire engine. Truly, a sad skin decided to fight back against a true classic cream...and there's not much I can do about it.

I'll give it another try, someday, on the off-chance it was just a one-off deal, but hopes are not high.


Now, the brush.

I got this one after a VERY long wait--the 2009 Semogue Limited Edition "Two-Band Boar" (#18 of a run of 100...). This is a beauty of a boar, and it's got some extra stuffing for some extra backbone...and it is a fantastic brush.

It is EXACTLY what I want in a shaving brush. Stiff but smooth, excellent bristle control with little splay, and it doesn't eat lather--it puts it on your face, right where it belongs.

One of the best purchases I've made in a long time. And what a looker!

Definitely a keeper there...


  1. That brush sold out before I even know about it. Lucky Jim!

    Sorry about the irritation problem. For me, it seems to have to do with weather conditions. Some creams or soaps in warm weather with no problem, but they cause burning when it's colder. I speculate it may have to do with low humidity.

  2. *Gasp* Oh noes Jim! How could your skin be so cruel to act up against the wondrous scent of a lime cream!?

    Allergies can come and go but usually not for a couple years. Do you have trouble with other lime creams? Or other Castel Forbes creams? Either way its a shame :(

    You do have a very nice looking brush to help console you though. The fact that only 100 others will ever know how good it is makes it that much nicer too, enjoy Jim.

  3. Thanks for the comments, guys.

    Lanolite, yeah. It's a fantastic brush. It's worth looking for, surely someone is getting rid of theirs (knowing our fellow wetshavers...).

    The irritation problem is just so frustrating--it's totally unpredictable, and really unpleasant. But I will suffer through.

    Whoosh, yeah, it sucks. I've never had any trouble with a lime cream before, and in fact I've used Castle Forbes Lime with no problems before. It's just really weird.

    And yes, the beauty of the brush does comfort me. Semogue really does do some amazing things with brushes.


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