Friday, April 2, 2010

And the Winner Is.....

Wait for it...

Akshay Shah!

Congratulations Akshay, and may I say, that Haiku was a nice one! For those who missed it, here it is again:

First-time straight shaver
was warned to watch his ears;
stropping, cut finger!

The crazy thing is, I'VE DONE THAT!

Well, Akshay, let me know by twitter or email which prize you'd like, the stone or the strop, and where to ship it off to!

Thanks to everyone for playing along, and happy shaving!


  1. OhMyGod! Thanks a million, Jim - email on the way with lots of newbie questions and shipping details.


  2. Congrats akshay!

    And many thanks to Jim-sama for hosting this great give away :)


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