Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Forget Shaving...It's SPRING!

What can I say, the season is in my blood!

I would love to have a long, thoughtful post about wetshaving, straight razors or nice big rocks, but...I just can't. Have you looked outside? It's SPRING! (in the northern hemisphere, at least) and the cherry blossoms are in bloom and, really, who wants to sit inside and play with razors when there are BBQs to be had? Beer to be drunk? Women in skimpy clothes to be ogled?

Not I!

Never fear, though. I'm not abandoning the blog, nor the hobby. I'm working on things, getting all kinds of goodies ready, but...well, right now other things are on my mind. I will say, my big Kyoto trip is looking VERY good on the stone side of things, and I've got some very nice steel in mind, too. Then there's the translation work still ongoing, and working out just what I can or can't tell you on that. But mostly, well, I'm just enjoying the feeling of short sleeves and cool breezes.

And how about you? How is this lovely season treating your neck of the woods?


  1. Spring here in the Washington DC area is moist, and the temperatures are fluctuating wildly. In other words, it is a completely normal Spring season for us. I'm heading out to the forge more frequently, and that does me as much good as warmer temperatures.

    Have a blast in Kyoto!

  2. Hey Jim, thanks for the comment! The forge....how's it going out there? Sharp shiny things springing forth?

    I will, and I'm hoping to have have news you might be interested in.

    Do you know Metal Master? You might oughta...


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