Monday, June 21, 2010

The Birth of Confusion

See, my last post and the Hone Vocabulary project was intended to CLEAR UP confusion. But that's not, apparently the result for me.

I decided to make my Japanese Hone Vocabulary page to help people with all those crazy words people throw around--it can be confusing to people looking at these hones, and I am no exception.

But in the process, what I've found is MORE confusion...there is just so much stuff floating around out there that is contradictory, unclear, or just plain wrong, it's almost enough to make a hone man cry. (See what I did there?)

Let's take, for example, the term "Asagi". The word itself translates as "light yellow." But the stones it is used to describe are, in fact, light BLUE. This seems to be common knowledge, and that's what I put in my vocabulary. But, hey hey, when I took the time to actually CHECK the word, it's not only light blue, but also DARK GREY!

What the heck is up with that?

And don't even get me started on Nashiji...ugh.

But I'm working on it, and every day I learn more, and while every question answered opens up two new questions, I am getting a grip on not only the terms but also on how to research them better. So the progress, while slow, is real.

But seriously. DARK GREY? That's like, the polar opposite of "light yellow."

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Look Up!

I've got a new project...

If you look up above this post, just under the blog title, you'll see a new little linky thing, labeled "Japanese Hone Vocabulary". If you click it, that's just what you'll see!

I'm working on a comprehensive, illustrated vocabulary of words associated with these hones. There's a lot to get through, and I'm not sure of a lot of it, but I hope that when I'm done (if ever), it'll be a very useful resource.

Take a look, though it's still in the early stages, and see what you think. If you have any suggestions, requests or arguments, let me know! And if you'd like to contribute, feel free to email me. I may not take your suggestions, but I'd be happy to hear them!

So take a look!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blind Shave

Bad bad idea.

For some reason, I got this weird idea today. I went to the gym, and had my shave kit with me, and for some reason, I thought "You know what, I don't really want to be the center of attention for being the big white guy AND the straight shaver, so I'll just shave in the shower!"

Yeah, yeah, I know. Many many bad ideas are hidden in there, but oh well.

I got out my little German badger brush, my The Real Shaving Company Cream, and my 7/8 vintage Friodur, and went to town. I went by feeling, searching for stubble by touch, and making sure I used plenty of lather (which I couldn't see). Overall, it could have been worse...I got a shave, though, that's for sure. But...well, it was awkward, and not very fun, and afterward my face was razorburned and unhappy.

I wasn't bleeding, and I've surely had worse shaves, but overall I give the whole process 2 thumbs down. But I think the REAL culprit was the razor.

It was tuggy, and rough, and I was disappointed in myself for the hone job I gave it. If it'd been sharper, I have a feeling it would've been a decent shave. So it was a bad shave, and it was all my fault. Ah well, such is life...