Friday, September 17, 2010

Mixing It Up...

It could be a touch of variety, it could just be random flailing...

The past couple of weeks have been kind of an adventurous period.

For example, last week I went on a little trip with the wife, which ended with about 8 hours of department-store wandering, and I got plain old exhausted. When we got home, it was time to shave and you know what? I just wasn't up for stropping, brush-whipping lather, and the whole bit. So what did I do? I broke out this bad boy:

Yep! The $1 plastic Dorco razor. I loaded it with a "Swede" and for lather mixed up some T&H 1805 cream in my palms and went the quicky route. Results? A nice, smooth shave with just a couple of weepers. Sad, how easy that was. But no fear, I'm not moving away from straights...but I might try some more dorect comparisons of my straight shaves and DE shaves.

In other news, I've thrown a few more blades on my Ippon Matsu nashiji. Sadly, I think I'm ready to deliver a verdict: not a finisher for razors. It's just too I was honing, even with no pressure, it just kept releasing fresh slurry and I was never able to hit the keenness I wanted. I'm not giving up totally, I have some unorthodox ideas on how to get this stone to work for me, but I certainly can't say "This hone is great!". It's pretty though, sho' nuff.

So then, last night, I had some razors to touch up and looking over my hone shelf I thought "Hey, let's give Japan a rest and head to the Olde Worlde!" I got out a nice little Coticule and decided to give it a try.

The razors were in decent condition, so I decided to try the Dilucot method from
I proceeded as per the instructions, dulling the blades then going into slurry. I monitored the edge closely, and when it seemed to hit a keenness plateau I tried finishing on water and I'll be honest, I didn't like the feel on either TPT or AHT. So I put on one layer of electrical tape and gave the razors about 75 very very light x strokes to set a secondary bevel, just to see how the stone worked.

The shave was simply not good. It tugged, left behind a lot of stubble, and thus necessitated extra passes resulting in irritation. I can't figure out where I went wrong, either. Each step of the way seemed to hit the right notes...I guess I'll just ahve to try it again.

Who knows...but now that I can sit in my workshop without drowning in my own sweat, I'll have more chances to play around.

Then there was the box of old NOS razors I got...selling them, I was asked to hone some and just because of time constraints, I decided to see what the absolute fastest, simplest finishing work I could do was--and it was diamond paste on MDF. Hands down. 10 strokes on 1.0 micrometer and 5 strokes on .5 micrometer gave a superb edge on those razors. Granted, they were close already, but for finishing that was really something else.

So there's even MORE to play with...

So how's by you?


  1. I've been recovering from heart issues and not doing much on my razors :( However all my tests are now good and I'm riding my bicycle like crazy now getting back in shape, we don't want any repeat issues... Tonight I shaved, after a week of putting it off :p with an old friend, my first Robeson :)

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. It's good to know you're back on your feet. Dwarves are resilient, I know. ;)

    Old friends are good to keep around, you know how they're going to treat you...I bet the Robeson was happy to clean you up!

    Take it easy, my friend.



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