Monday, September 6, 2010

Yeah yeah yeah...

I know, I've been a bad blogger.

So sue me. Anyway, I got something to say...

You know what really grinds my gears? Falls from grace. Check this out:

That beauty is one of 100 razors made to order for the previous owner of Kanoyama Cordovan Specialists, makers of the best darn Shell Cordovan Strops on earth. The current owner, Naomi-san, found a box of thirty of them. His father had had them made in 1966 by a company called Suzumasa, as gifts for his customers. The thirty he found have all been sold to current Kanoyama customers, as is only fitting.

They sold so well, in fact, that Naomi-san tracked down the current Suzumasa office to see if they still make razors. They do. They make these:

Not even close. Cheap plastic scales housing a blade with as much character as a flounder. Grind marks, uneven shoulders, a dead-boring shape. I guess they no longer have any employees with the skill to make them like they used they just make the simplest razor they can.

It makes me wonder why they even bother.

Look at this:

You might as well compare a Filarmonica to a Gold Dollar.

I don't know why, but it makes me sad. Razors that once had character and class have been reduced to knockoffs of their inferiors. I guess I just find it ominous. Luckily, there are still companies making quality razors--Revisor, Iwasaki, and more. Enjoy them while you can, brothers and sisters, for this too shall pass.

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