Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Smile on My Face

*contented sigh*

I just test shaved two freshly honed razors, and they were exquisite. It was a hone test, as well. I have a new, small Nakayama that I wanted to run though its paces and man, did it win.

I had two of the NOS Japanese razors that had been giving me a hard time--not dull, just a little tuggy, and they didn't respond to diamond paste. So I dulled them on a glass and worked up some honzan slurry on this little Nakayama.

One razor I used the old slurry stone I got from my barber, and one I used a small piece of Oozuku suita. The Suita was super hard, it took more than twice as long to work up a suitable slurry.

I went through three refreshes on each one. This stone was fantastic, slightly abrasive feedback and very very fast slurry darkening led me to believe that not only was it hard, but also a very fast hone. And the shave, off both razors, was perfect.

The stone was a real winner, and my face is reaping all the benefits!


  1. Nice little stone :) I have to get back to my razors soon, going threw withdrawls from lack of honeing :) Have so many shave ready that I tend to go in waves when honing :)

  2. Nice work as usual Jim.



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