Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Suprising Coticule

Reading gave me an urge to try one of these apparently unique, rare-ish "Les Latneuses" coticules.

I won't go into details about them, because I don't really know, but the difference about this is that they are a natural combination but instead of a BBW back, the coticule is fused with a greenish stone that seems to have properties very different to the coticule proper.

They're kind of hard to come by, from what they say, but I contacted Ardennes Coticule and they had one for me. I requested a bout (irregular piece) roughly 12.5cm x 2cm.

This is what I got:

It's not a bout--it's a perfect rectangle. Not only that, but it's THICK. But it was at a Bout price--apparently, because the back greenish half has some serious chips? I don't know, but I appreciate the price a lot.

Here's the chip, BTW:

I figure it's only a matter of time until the rest of it gives way, which is fine.

But here's the thing: This hone was the roughest I've ever gotten from anyone. It was covered in deep, coarse scratches and very strongly "domed" in the middle. It needed serious lapping. The coticule side was easy--ten minutes, it was smooth and flat.

The back, "hybrid" side (as Bart sometimes calls it) was...different.

After 3++ hours on a 400 grit diamond plate, it was ALMOST flat. Flat enough to use. I still haven't smoothed it bast there, and this stone is hard enough that I refuse to use it without smoothing it up to 1000 grit, at least.

Freaking HARD. Possible the hardest stone I've lapped--the Frankonian took longer, but it was bigger--more surface area to remove.

But that was only the beginning of the surprises, as this picture will show:

And this one:

Yep. The stone split in two. As I was taking the pictures this evening, I picked it up by the top half and, with a quiet "crack", the top came off in my hand. I didn't drop it, or bump it, or just came apart.

Soooo...that's not too cool.

I'm still not sure what to do with it. Any suggestions?


  1. Jim,

    glue the split bit on a piece of slate and enjoy having 2 coticules. I have been using an antique combo coticule for the last 2 years, the coticule side was worn thinner than what's left on your hybrid... after two years of use, it still has many more years of service before I retire it.

  2. Michael,

    Thanks for the recommendation. I'm think of trying to glue the two back together because I have no clue where to get a suitable piece of stone for backing.

  3. Avoid to use cyanoacrylate glue or Polyvinyl acetate glue. These adhesives cause contraction while curing and this contraction could break the stone.

    The good choice for adhesive is something like 3M 77 glue and other like. I.e. it should be elastic enough and low or zero contraction.

    I think almost any slate would be suitable for stone to glue coti on.

    Moreover the alu or wooden block should be OK to glue coti on.

  4. Here it is my humble coti:

    with the time it has come unglued
    so now I also have two stones :)

  5. Nikolay, Thanks for your advice! I'm thinking of some less orthodox options should be fun!


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