What's a boy to do?
Put the two loves together!
Inspired by a thread on B&B about turning a Tabac Puck into the highly coveted Tabac stick, I went to work on my battle-scarred puck.
First, I shaved the puck down into slivers using a vegetable peeler. I dropped the slivers into a glass bowl and tried a little "double boiling". The heat and steam softened the slivers a bit, allowing them to be reformed. I dropped the slivers into an empty "twister" deodorant stick and tamped them down with a marker. I added a few drops (DROPS! not splashes) of water now and again to add to the softness. Soon, I had this:
After the stick set for a while, I tried it out.
Unfortunately, the soap set up too hard in the stick,and the twist-action broke when I tried to use it. I had to cut the bottom out and push up with my thumbs. Apart from this little mechanical trouble, the soap performs beautifully!
I've shaved with it and the lather was pure MWF. The shaving/tamping caused no permanent changes, and the stick form is PERFECT for lathering this notoriously difficult soap.
I believe LeisureGuy adds a little mineral oil or petroleum jelly to the inside of the container before adding the soap into it. I can't remember exactly
I'll try that the next time...Thanks!
Though maybe, someday, the folks in Yorkshire will save me the trouble!
And thanks for reading!
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